The First out of Three DesignOps Pillars is People — For a Good Reason

2 min readJul 28, 2022

We’re used to working in a high stress work environment. Until we experience a burn out or get sick. What if we could design an environment that prevents that? The answer is here and it is called DesignOps.

DesignOps (short for Design Operations) can fix chaotic design processes, lack of cross-team communication, and free your designers from worrying.

DesignOps’ job is to create efficiencies and improve work environment, so much that designers can focus on designing instead of everything else, such as poor communication with developers or building advocacy for design.

According to the NN group, the field has three pillars, which we quickly described in our first eBook on the topic — DesignOps 101.

  1. How We Work Together 🤝
  2. How We Get Work Done 💻
  3. How Our Work Creates Impact 📈

It is people who are at the heart of DesignOps and constitute its first pillar. You need to take care of them first before you can focus on improving processes and measure efficiencies and effectiveness of design team.

That’s why we decided to share our eBook on the first DesignOps’ pillar — How We Work Together — which is packed with advice about building and growing an amazing team that has space and trust to create their best work.

Grab an eBook for free here. 👈👈👈

Let’s learn how to make your designers happy! 😺




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