5 Tips for Web Developers Who Need to Design a Layout Fast

7 min readJan 8, 2024


Developers are responsible for the technical aspects of web design, making sure everything works as it is supposed to. It is designers who create the vision of what will be developed.

However, what should you do if you can’t access any designers, and you need to create the interface by yourself?

Fear no more, we got you.

As experts in UI/UX design, working at UXPin, we will help you get better at designing interfaces. Here are the top 5 tips to get you started.

Tip #1: Learn about the rules of visual hierarchy

One of the most important principles of UI design is visual hierarchy which refers to arranging elements in a way that the most important one shines.

Establishing visual hierarchy is essential for user experience. It helps users quickly grasp what the site is about and what actions they can perform. Effective visual hierarchy can also boost website usability and visual appeal.

When arranging a web layout, think about what you want the page to be about.

  • Do you want to collect email addresses?
  • Do you want users to add a product to the basket?
  • Do you want to teach users something?

Visual hierarchy is achieved through:

  • Size: Larger elements tend to attract more attention. By making important elements, such as headings or call-to-action buttons, larger than surrounding content, you can emphasize their significance.
  • Color: Using color contrast can draw attention to specific elements. Vibrant or contrasting colors can make important elements stand out from the background or other content.
  • Typography: Font size, weight, and style play a crucial role in visual hierarchy. Headings and subheadings are often styled differently from body text to indicate their importance.
  • Space: Proper spacing around elements helps create a sense of separation and order. It allows users to distinguish between different sections of content.
  • Position: The placement of elements on the page also affects hierarchy. Elements at the top of the page or in the center are typically seen first. Important content is often positioned prominently.
  • Contrast: Using contrast in text or image elements can make them more noticeable. This can include using bold text, underlining, or adding drop shadows to make elements stand out.

Apply visual hierarchy in a way that it’s clear what you want users to do on the page. Use the elements above to achieve that.

Tip #2: Take advantage of open-source component libraries

Some developers love to use ready-made templates when they need to build a fresh web design. we get it. Web templates need just a teeny tiny adjustment to make it fit your project. They also give off a sense of uniformity.

You can replicate the same sense of uniformity by using out-of-the-box components from open-source libraries like MUI, Fluent UI, etc.

Most design tools have those components built in. Yet, not all tools have them coded. UXPin Merge has.

You drag and drop the components onto the canvas to assemble a web layout. Then, you can copy the code of those UI elements and paste it to your terminal to build the real website faster. Discover UXPin Merge.

Here are three things that will make your layout more consistent:

  • Stick to one component library: Design systems or style guides are documents that outline the design principles, visual elements, and guidelines for your website. They cover aspects like color schemes, typography, button styles, iconography, spacing, and more. By adhering to a design system, you ensure that every element on your website follows the same visual rules.
  • Use consistent and predictable layout: Maintain a consistent and predictable layout throughout your site. Users should know where to find information and how to navigate from page to page.
  • Standardize navigation menu items: Users should always know where to find key navigation elements. Ensure that menu labels and links are clear and reflect the site’s hierarchy.

Which component library to use? It depends on your project. For websites we recommend MUI. Check out how you can create a design with MUI library’s components.

Tip #3: Apply quick accessibility fixes

Web design accessibility means making it usable for people with disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments. By prioritizing accessibility in your web development work, you not only make your site more inclusive, but you also stand to benefit in various ways, from a broader user base to improved SEO rankings.

Here are practical steps for developers:

  • Fix Semantic HTML: Use HTML elements that convey meaning properly. For instance, use headings (h1, h2, h3, etc.) for titles and subtitles, lists for lists, and labels for form fields.
  • Add Alternative Text: Provide descriptive alt text for images. Alt text should convey the purpose of the image if it’s purely decorative or provide a concise description if it’s informational.
  • Apply Contrast: Use adequate contrast between text and background to ensure readability. This is crucial for users with visual impairments.

You can test your website with screen readers, voice recognition software, and other assistive technologies. This will help you understand how users with disabilities will interact with your site.

Tip #4: Add some aesthetic spark with fonts and colors

The two things that make user interfaces pop are color schemes and font pairings. They have a real transformative power that contributes to the website’s appeal among its users. That’s why it’s important to pick colors and fonts carefully.

  • Choose a consistent color scheme: Select a color palette for your website and stick to it. Ensure that colors are used consistently across the site for backgrounds, text, buttons, links, and other UI elements. This reinforces your brand’s identity and helps users associate specific colors with certain actions or information.
  • Use fonts wisely: Define a set of fonts and font sizes for headings, subheadings, body text, and other text elements. Consistent typography creates a harmonious reading experience and strengthens brand recognition.

There are resources that tell you which colors and fonts work great together. Here are a couple of examples:

The right combination of colors and fonts can significantly impact how users perceive and interact with your design.

Tip #5: Design for multiple devices

The web can be accessed with different devices. Because of that, you need to ensure that your design is responsive, and elements adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes while maintaining the same overall look and feel. Here’s how to do it during the design stage.

  • Progressive enhancement: Start with a basic, functional layout and progressively enhance it for larger screens. This approach ensures that all users, regardless of their device, can access and use the website’s core features.
  • Touch-Friendly Design: Recognize that mobile users interact with touch screens. Design buttons and interactive elements with an appropriate size and spacing to accommodate touch input. Avoid relying on hover effects, which don’t work on touch devices.
  • Flexible Layouts: Use fluid grids to create flexible layouts which are based on relative units rather than fixed units (like pixels). A fluid grid system allows you to divide your web page into columns or sections that automatically adjust their width based on the screen size. As the screen size changes, the content containers expand or contract proportionally.

Responsive UI design is crucial for maintaining a user-friendly interface, reducing the need for excessive scrolling or zooming. This adaptability enhances accessibility, promotes better engagement, and minimizes frustration for users. It also affects the SEO of your website.

Luckily, you can quickly achieve responsive design with design tools. See how to do it with UXPin Merge.

Ready to create your design?

Even without the presence of dedicated designers, you can build a professional website UI. You just need to take care of visual hierarchy, use ready-made components to arrange layouts, carefully select color schemes and fonts for a harmonious and appealing design, and remember to make the design responsive with a focus on progressive enhancement, touch-friendly design, and flexible layouts that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Check out UXPin Merge.




The design tool for teams and professionals. From UI design and prototyping to collaboration and handoff. Speed it up with UXPin. • www.uxpin.com